Friday, January 13, 2012

Life As We Know It

Life, a gift or a curse?

Some days I see the gift and some the curse. Today is the curse and the gift.

The curse! I'm unemployed again. It doesn't look as if I will ever find a job that I will be able to stay with for more than just a few weeks.

I'm thinking about changing my career path again. Computers though very fascinating are not getting me very far. So after talking to my daughter Rachel, I'm thinking about going into a medical field. She is never unemployed more than just a day. When she gets frustrated at an employer she moves on to another job without missing a beat. She is working as a Certified Medical Assistant in a nursing home.

She said that some nursing homes will pay you to get a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). She said that the way she got started was to call nursing homes and find one that would train you. This sounds like something that I should do.

The question is do I have the courage to make this kind of change in my life. I'm not brave like Rachel. She is the bravest person that I know. I don't feel very brave. All it takes is a phone call or two to find the nursing home that will train me. I just need to pick up the phone.

Oh and the gift...

I am alive and it is a beautiful day. My granddaughter Abagail talked to me on the phone today, always a good day when that happens.

1 comment:

  1. Cay, I know that the job you want is just around the corner. Yes, it's such a blessing to talk to our grandchildren! Abagail is adorable.
